The Need to Belong Video

This video shows a short therapy session with a young woman who is exploring her feelings in relation to her search for 'belonging'. During the process of her search she encounters a number of barriers and contradictions all of which lead to her feeling different from the local community and experiencing a sense of exclusion.

The intense feelings engendered as a result of encounters in different social and cultural contexts raise a number of questions about the nature and meaning of difference, race, prejudice, discrimination, power, privilege and authority in the therapeutic situation. In addition, factors such as developmental experiences and internalised messages also impact on the character of each individual person and inescapably on the therapeutic encounter.

The video is intended to be a used as a tool to initiate discussion and encourage reflection on the issues relating to the development of identity, particularly when that relates to how the client feels about their 'fit' in society or position in the community. As such, it is relevant to counsellors, therapists, tutors on counselling and health or social care courses, and supervisors. Care workers and those involved in providing training for others who work with young people will also find this video extremely relevant.

Running time: 63 minutes

  • The Need to Belong digital stream £9.95