Level 5 Diploma in Counselling Children and Young People (CYP-L5)
Criteria Assessment Sheet (CAS)CYP -L5 Guidance to Writing an External Assessment Case ReviewCYP-L5 Candidate GuideCYP-L5 External Assessment GuideCYP-L5 Guidance to Client Work ExperienceCYP-L5 SpecificationCYP-L5 Assessment Schedule CYP-L5 Candidate Self ReviewCYP-L5 Client LogCYP-L5 Guidance to 3 Types of CourseworkCYP-L5 Guidance to Writing a Self-ReviewCYP-L5 Initial Learning StatementCYP-L5 Personal Counselling RecordCYP-L5 Quick Reference CriteriaCYP-L5 Record of Completed AssessmentsCYP-L5 Supervision LogCYP-L5 Supervisor Report Form CYP-L5 Tutor Assessed ObservationTutorial Record
Criteria Assessment Sheet (CAS)CYP -L5 Guidance to Writing an External Assessment Case ReviewCYP-L5 Candidate GuideCYP-L5 External Assessment GuideCYP-L5 Guidance to Client Work ExperienceCYP-L5 SpecificationCYP-L5 Tutor GuideCYP-L5 Assessment Schedule CYP-L5 Candidate Self ReviewCYP-L5 Client LogCYP-L5 Guidance to 3 Types of CourseworkCYP-L5 Guidance to Writing a Self-ReviewCYP-L5 Initial Learning StatementCYP-L5 Personal Counselling RecordCYP-L5 Quick Reference CriteriaCYP-L5 Record of Completed AssessmentsCYP-L5 Supervision LogCYP-L5 Supervisor Report Form CYP-L5 Tutor Assessed Observatione-Portfolio statementNICE guideline NG225Tutorial Record
This post qualifying qualification is designed to give learners the specialist knowledge, skills and competences to work as counsellors with children and young people aged 11-18.
This qualification will enable successful candidates to work as counsellors with this age group in a range of job and career opportunities, which include but are not limited to:
- A counsellor employed by a School or College
- A counsellor in an agency or organisation which specialise in counselling children and young people
- A private counsellor working for an external organisation such as a school, youth club, wellness/mental health setting
- An ‘adult’ counsellor in independent practice wishing to extend their work to cover this age range
- A youth worker in the community
- An outreach worker with adolescents/teenagers
You must have obtained our Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling or its equivalent.
Read section 5 of the Specification for further information.
Funding- The qualification is eligible in England for Advanced Learner Loans (19+).
- Candidates in England may also be able to access funding according to individual entitlement criteria (e.g. related to age and/or employment status and/or prior qualifications).
- For more detailed see funding information
Key Information
Qualification Number
Guided Learning Hours
120 hours
Total Qualification Time
435 hours
Credit value
Minimum age
19 years
Successful learners may progress onto the Level 6 Certificate in Therapeutic Counselling Supervision provided they have acquired at least one year's part-time post CYP-L5 supervised client work.